Retirement Planning

Elder Law is a legal specialty area that focuses specifically on issues affecting the elderly. Attorneys who work in the area of elder law have specialized knowledge of the unique needs facing the senior population.

With careful and strategic estate planning, you can maximize your retirement benefits and ensure that your assets are protected for future generations.

Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Railroad and Veterans Benefits

There are many benefits available—from social security and supplemental security income, to benefits specifically for veterans and railroad workers. Figuring out how to apply, filling out the application, and understanding the appeals process if your initial application for benefits is denied, can be tricky. Even knowing when you are eligible and for what services or funds can be complicated. At Stone Law, we work with you to determine what you are eligible for and we provide assistance through the whole process, starting with your initial application through to any possible appeals.

Pensions, 401k Plans, IRAs and Roth Retirement Plans

Knowing which retirement plans and accounts you have, when and how distribution of funds work, who your beneficiaries are, and how to manage these assets is important. Depending on the amount of money available and invested, decisions will need to be made to plan for what happens after you pass away.

Simply leaving the money to your spouse, partner or children named as beneficiaries might not be enough. Estate taxes and other financial issues might arise for your family. With proper estate planning, you can maximize your hard work and reap the benefits for years to come. Call today for an appointment and we will work with you to ensure you have the right estate planning in place, whether that means starting from scratch or working with existing estate plan documents.

Stone Law does not provide investment services, but we can give you a second opinion on how you are invested and provide you with questions to ask your investment advisor so that you can be fully informed before making any decisions.


  • Denver
  • Fort Collins
  • Lakewood
  • Arvada
  • Greeley
  • Longmont
  • Loveland
  • Littleton
  • Dakota Ridge
  • Englewood
  • Wheat Ridge
  • Columbine
  • Golden
  • Johnstown
  • Highlands Ranch
  • Windsor
This summary of Retirement Planning was prepared by Stone Law, LLC and is intended to give general information, not specific legal advice. For more information, contact Stone Law at 877-897-6591.

While we make a concerted effort to maintain and update the information on this site Stone Law, LLC makes no representation, warranty, or claim that the information on this site is current or accurate. Additionally, please be aware that state laws may differ, do not rely solely on information provided on this site without consulting a local attorney.